Will Hanson
Author & Humorist


Liberty & Justice for All?

How many times have we stood with our hands over our hearts to recite the Pledge of Allegiance? We know the words by heart but do we take them to heart? Do we really think about the words especially in the second half of that one sentence:

“…one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all?”

Do we really understand what we’re saying and do we mean it?

Also from Will Hanson!
All Women Are Bitches

All Women Are Bitches
A Handbook For Men

All Women Are Bitches is a short, historically factual, very irreverent and slightly biased account of the relationships between women and men and their connection to religion. Although this is clearly meant to be a handbook for men, it is dedicated to all the beautiful women who inspired me to write it. I realize that many of you will understandably be quite upset with me and think that only an asshole would write a book with a title like this. You could be right about that, but please don't rush to judgment. Do you really think I spent all this time and effort to be known as the asshole who wrote a book? The contents might surprise you, and if you take the time to read the entire book, you may change your opinion. I'm actually very loveable!

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